Ex Officio: University Act, S. 38.1(1)(a through d)
- Ms. Judy Rogers, Chancellor
- Dr. Benoit-Antoine Bacon, President (Chair)
- Dr. Rehan Sadiq, Provost and Academic Vice-President, UBC Okanagan
- Dr. Gage Averill, Academic Vice-President, UBC Vancouver
Elected Members of the Vancouver Senate: University Act, S. 38.1(1)(e)
- Dr. Ben Britton, Faculty Senator, UBC Vancouver
- Dr. Bruce Forster, Faculty Senator, UBC Vancouver
- Dr. Susan Forwell, Faculty Senator, UBC Vancouver
- Dr. Robert Kozak, Dean, UBC Vancouver
Elected Members of the Okanagan Senate: University Act, S. 38.1(1)(f)
- Dr. Karen Hodges, Faculty Senator, UBC Okanagan
- Dr. Nikhita Obeegadoo, Faculty Senator, UBC Okanagan
- Dr. Bryce Traister, Dean, UBC Okanagan
- Vacancy (1)
Chairs of Vancouver Senate Committees: University Act, S. 38.1(1)(h)
- Dr. Joanne Fox, Chair of the Senate Admissions Committee, UBC Vancouver
- Dr. Paul Harrison, Chair of the Senate Nominating Committee, UBC Vancouver
- Dr. Kin Lo, Chair of the Senate Academic Policy Committee, UBC Vancouver
- Dr. Catherine D. Rawn, Chair of the Senate Curriculum Committee, UBC Vancouver
Vancouver Appointed Representatives: University Act, S. 38.1(1)(h)
- Dr. John Gilbert, Vancouver Senate Committee (Convocation Senator)
- Drédyn Fontana, Vancouver Senate Committee (Student Senator)
- Jasper Lorien, Vancouver Senate Committee (Student Senator)
- Mr. George Tsiakos, Vancouver Senate Committee (Faculty Senator)
- Jacky Xue, Vancouver Senate Committee (Student Senator)
Chairs of Okanagan Senate Committees: University Act, S. 38.1(1)(i)
- Jan Cioe, Chair of the Senate Nominating Committee, UBC Okanagan
- Jannik Eikenaar, Chair of the Senate Academic Policy Committee, UBC Okanagan
- Rob Johnson, Chair of the Senate Admissions and Awards Committee, UBC Okanagan
- Yves Lucet, Chair of the Senate Curriculum Committee, UBC Okanagan
Okanagan Appointed Representatives: University Act, S. 38.1(1)(i)
- Abdulrahman Alnaar, Okanagan Senate Committee (Convocation Senator)
- Saami Hafeez, Okanagan Senate Committee (Student Senator)
- Amanda Shatzko, Okanagan Senate Committee (Student Senator)
Designated by the President: University Act, Section 38.1(1)(g)
- Dr. Lesley Cormack (Okanagan)
- Dr. Dermot Kelleher (Vancouver)
- Dr. Rella Ng, Secretary (non-member)
- Mr. Christopher Eaton, Clerk (non-member)