Calendar Releases
The Vancouver Academic Calendar is released twice per year; in February and June. The February release is the first release for the following academic year.
The Office of the Senate facilitates proofreading of the Academic Calendar once per year. The proofreading cycle starts in July and ends in January. Faculties are prompted in three phases to proofread their sections of the Calendar, including Academic Staff Lists and approved curriculum changes.
Submitting Calendar Changes
Curriculum and admission changes must be submitted through the appropriate approval process. Calendar releases are timed with Senate meetings to ensure that all approved material is included in the following release. Please refer to the Guide to Curriculum Submissions for UBC Vancouver for more information.
Non-curricular Calendar changes (e.g., changes to Academic Staff Lists) may be submitted at any time to the Calendar Team by contacting The changes will appear in the official online Calendar in the following release, unless submitted in the week prior to a Calendar release.