

Elected from Senate
Students (2)

Ex Officio
President, or in their absence, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Vice-Chair of Senate
Chairs of all other standing committees of Senate
Registrar or designate (non-voting)

Terms of Reference
  • Responsible for recommending the following to Senate:
    • An agenda for Senate meetings, including time limits for debates for any item on a Senate agenda except the consideration of the agenda itself;
    • Rules and Procedures of Senate; and
    • Matters relating to the Council of Senates if not under the terms of reference of another committee of Senate.

Jonathan Low
Amanda Shatzko

Ex Officio
President, or in their absence, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Dr. Lesley Cormack, Vice-Chair of Senate
Chair of the Senate Academic Building and Resources Committee, Dr. Peter Arthur (Vice-Chair)
Chair of the Senate Academic Policy Committee, Dr. Jannik Eikenaar
Chair of the Senate Admissions and Awards Committee, Mr. Rob Johnson
Chair of the Senate Appeals of Standing and Discipline Committee, Ms. Tamara Ebl
Chair of the Senate Curriculum Committee, Dr. Yves Lucet
Chair of the Senate Learning and Research Committee, Dr. Sally Willis-Stewart
Chair of the Senate Nominating Committee, Dr. Jan Cioe (Chair)
Dr. Rella Ng, Registrar (non-voting)

Meeting Schedule

For the Senate Agenda Committee schedule, please see Senate Meetings.