

4 Senators (2 student members of Senate, 1 convocation member of Senate, and 1 dean)

Quorum: 4 voting members

Terms of Reference
  • To prepare an agenda for Senate meetings.
  • To discuss matters referred to it by Senate or by the chair of Senate for report to Senate.
  • To consider and take action on behalf of the Senate on all matters that may be referred to the Senate by the Board (Senate minutes, 21 May 1975, p. 6397).
  • To consider matters relating to the implementation of the University Act (Senate minutes, 15 October 1980, p. 7409).
  • To annually collect and prepare for Senate discussion topics of broad academic interest (Senate minutes, 16 May 2006).
  • To advise the Secretary on the orientation program for new and returning members of Senate (Senate minutes, 22 July 2020).

Elected from Senate
Drédyn Fontana (Student)
Dr. John Gilbert
Kamil Kanji (Student) (Chair)
Prof. Ngai Pindell

Ex Officio
Dr. Kin Lo, Chair of the Senate Academic Policy Committee
Dr. Joanne Fox (Vice-Chair), Chair of the Senate Admissions Committee
Dr. Lawrence Burr, Chair of the Senate Awards Committee
Dr. Catherine Rawn, Chair of the Senate Curriculum Committee
Dr. Ben Britton, Chair of the Senate Nominating Committee
Dr. Wendy Norman, ​Chair of the Senate Research & Scholarship Committee
Dr. Laura Moss, Chair of the Senate Teaching & Learning Committee
Dr. Rella Ng, Registrar (non-voting)

Meeting Schedule

For the Senate Agenda Committee schedule and minutes, please see Senate Meetings.