Proponents of curriculum change should download the appropriate forms by clicking on their titles below. Please note, some Faculties have their own versions of forms.
The Senate Curriculum Committee recommends that each Faculty have a single person designated to consolidate departmental submissions into a Faculty Curriculum Report.
1. Change to Course or Program (2-column) Form
Most of the instructions you will need to fill out a Change to Course or Program (2-column) form appear on the form itself. Examples of how to properly format a Calendar change using this form can be found in our Examples of UBC Curriculum Proposal Form. A single form is used for all types of curriculum changes.
2. Supplemental Information Form – New Course
This form is for collecting administrative components of courses necessary for course creation. It must accompany all Category 1 new course proposals.
3. Consultation Request Form
This form is for consulting colleagues, departments and/or Faculties who may be affected by, or interested in, the proposed curriculum changes.
4. Library Consultation Form
This form is used to indicate the adequacy of Library needs. The Library Consultants list is maintained on the UBC Library website. The approval of the University Librarian must be indicated on the Budgetary Impact of Curriculum Proposals form if the course cannot be supported with existing Library resources.
5. Budgetary Impact of Curriculum Change Form
The adequacy of the available resources to permit the proposal to be implemented must be indicated on the Budgetary Impact of Curriculum Change form. All Budgetary Impact of Curriculum Change forms must be signed by the Department Head (or equivalent) and the Dean of the proposing unit.
The signature of the Provost and Vice-President Academic is required for all new program proposals (including new undegraduate and graduate degree programs, new majors, new minors, and new, for-credit, certificate and diploma programs. The signature of the Provosts and Vice-President Academic is also required if the Budgetary Impact of Curriculum Change form indicates that additional budget is required to implement the curriculum change.
If the Library Consultation form indicates that additional Library resources are required to support the proposal, the signature of the University Librarian must be obtained on the Budgetary Impact of Curriculum Change form.
6. Non-Credit Program Certificate Proposal Template
This template is for collecting the information required to submit Non-Credit Program Certificate or Non-Credit Program Microcertificate proposals.