Bridging Solution for Expedited Modifications

***September 3, 2024 Update***

The temporary process described below has ended. Users must follow the normal curriculum approval process; HOWEVER, the Senate Curriculum Committees will continue to consider retroactive changes on a case-by-case basis. Please contact or for advice. Service Now requests to modify curriculum in Workday will NOT be implemented until Senate has approved the change.

To support the University community in making rapid modifications to courses and program requirements to address issues that affect system functionality and utility for students, the Office of the Senate and IRP Student have created a temporary, expedited process to permit curriculum change in a flexible and responsive manner.

Where systemic issues have been identified, such as equivalencies on courses rather than credit exclusions, or UBCV program requirements that do not include accepted UBCO course options, users are encouraged to submit a Service Now ticket to IRP Student with the following conditions and understandings:

  1. All requested changes must include sign-off from the Faculty’s Curriculum Committee Chair or equivalent, as deemed appropriate by the Faculty.
    1. The list of Approvers is subject to review by the Office of the Senate.
  2. The requested changes can only be modifications of existing courses or program requirements necessary in order to enable system functionality.
    1. Any requests that appear to be outside these criteria will be referred to the Office of the Senate for clarification and approval.
    2. Those not approved will need to be submitted as Category 2 proposals via normal curriculum approval processes. Modifications to the system for these requests will not be made until such proposals have been approved by Senate.
  3. Modifications will be made in Workday (to courses, Academic Progress Reports, etc.) upon receipt of the request, complete with Approver support and submitted in the form of a Service Now ticket on the condition that a Faculty-approved Category 2 proposal supporting that change also be submitted to the Office of the Senate via the normal curriculum process no later than August 31, 2024. Include a note in the rationale section that the proposal corresponds to a Service Now ticket. If possible, include the ticket number.
    1. If the supporting Category 2 proposal is not received by the deadline, the modifications will be removed from Workday.

If you are not clear on which unit should submit the change, please submit a Service Now ticket outlining the desired change or contact for advice. Please also watch for updates as this ad-hoc process continues to develop and improve.