Student Appeals of Discipline


11 Senators (including 3 student members and 2 convocation members)

Quorum: 5 voting members

Terms of Reference
  • To hear and determine final appeals by students in matters of discipline (Senate minutes, 17 May 2023).

Elected from Senate
Dr. Bruce Forster
Dr. Sue Grayston
Paul Harrison
Kareem Hassib (Student)
Jasper Lorien (Student)
Dr. Mark MacLachlan
Stewart McGillivray
Dr. Susan Parker
David Qi (Student)
Mrs. Karen Smith
Mr. George Tsiakos (Chair)

Ex Officio
Registrar (non-voting)

Meeting Schedule

Appeals committees meet when a hearing is necessary.  For each of the appeals committees, a schedule of potential meeting dates will be developed to facilitate the scheduling of hearings as required.