

The Committee shall consist of 10 members of Senate, 2 of whom shall be student members and 2 Convocation members.

The secretary of Senate shall call for nominations to this Committee before the first meeting of a newly constituted Senate and shall include the names of those nominated in the notice calling this meeting.

The Committee shall be elected by written ballot on or before the first meeting of a newly constituted Senate.

The Committee shall elect its own chair, with the first meeting being convened by the Secretary of Senate.

When a vacancy occurs in the Nominating Committee, the vacancy shall be declared at the next regular meeting of Senate at which time there shall be a call for nominations to fill the vacancy. The nominees shall indicate to the secretary of Senate their willingness to stand, prior to the election. The Senate shall elect a member of Senate to fill the vacancy by ballot at the immediately following regular meeting of Senate.

Quorum: 7 voting members

Terms of Reference
  • To nominate the elected membership of all Senate committees, unless Senate otherwise provides, and to recommend the size of each committee.
  • To nominate the elected senate membership on other bodies where Senate is represented, unless Senate otherwise provides, and to make recommendations on the composition and form of such committees.
  • To nominate the Vice-Chair of Senate.
  • To review the composition of Senate during the third year of each Senate, and also to conduct such a review should any substantive changes be made to the University Act, or should the number of faculties or colleges at the campus change (Senate minutes, 16 May 2007).
  • The terms of reference of Senate committees to be reviewed by the Nominating Committee during the third year of each Senate (Senate minutes, 14 September 1994).

Elected from Senate
Dr. Ben Britton
Dr. Clare Crowston
Drédyn Fontana (Student)
John Gilbert
Paul Harrison (Chair)
Kareem Hassib (Student)
Dr. Kin Lo
Dr. Charles Menzies
Dr. James Olson
Dr. Steven Pelech

Ex Officio

Meeting Schedule

Future Meetings

The Nominating Committee meets on an as-needed basis, usually Thursday at 2 pm on the week of the Senate Agenda Committee.

*If routine Committee business can be handled electronically, a meeting may be cancelled. Members will be alerted via email should a meeting be cancelled.

Procedures for Committee Appointments

The chancellor, president, and registrar shall normally be ex-officio members of all Senate committees.

A member of Senate is entitled to suggest to the Nominating Committee the names of individuals who might be nominated for particular committees.

Reports of the Nominating Committee shall be sent to members of Senate along with the Senate agenda.

Additional nominations may be made from the floor of Senate, provided the consent of the nominees has been obtained.

When a vacancy occurs or is expected to occur on a committee or when a committee wishes to add to its members, the chair of that committee shall notify without delay the chair of the Nominating Committee.

It should be noted that members of Senate who go on leave-of-absence are deemed to have resigned from the Senate committees on which they serve except in the case of faculty members who inform the secretary of Senate of their intent to remain on campus and to be active in Senate business during their leave.

The following report on the matter of addition nominations for membership on committees being made from the floor was adopted by Senate on 13 November 1974:

Except in those cases where it has provided otherwise, Senate has given the Committee the task of deciding the appropriate size of each committee and so recommending to Senate (Senate minutes, pp. 6103, 6125, and 6127).

Where the Committee nominates the membership of a committee, the number of names it submits to Senate indicates its decision on the appropriate size of this committee. The addition of members by Senate, therefore, is contrary to the opinion of the Nominating Committee.

Senate clearly has the right to vary the recommendation of the Nominating Committee about the size of a committee. It can do so, however, only by a motion to that effect. It should be done by an express, not an implied, motion.

Members of Senate clearly have the right to make additional nominations from the floor of Senate; under present Senate resolutions, this can only be done with the consent of the nominees (Senate minutes, p. 6126).

When addition nominations are made from the floor, an election should be held to determine the membership of the committee of the size recommended by the Nominating Committee, unless the Senate has first passed a resolution to increase the size of the committee in accordance with paragraph 3.

The Nominating Committee also makes nominations for a vice-chair of Senate, at least annually, who shall chair meetings in the absence of the president; in no case shall a vice-chair serve more than two consecutive terms. University Act, section 36 (a).

Minutes from Previous Meetings

For meeting minutes prior to September 2022, please contact