Senate Membership 2023-2026

Ex Officio

  • Chancellor (The Hon. Steven L. Point)
  • President, Chair (Dr. Benoit-Antoine Bacon)
  • Vice-President, Academic (Dr. Gage Averill)

Deans of Faculties

  • Dr. James Olson, Applied Science
  • Dr. Clare Crowston, Arts
  • Dr. Darren Dahl, Commerce and Business Administration
  • Dr. Andrea Esteves, Dentistry, Pro Tem. 
  • Dr. Jan Hare, Education
  • Dr. Robert Kozak, Forestry
  • Dr. Michael Hunt, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Pro Tem.
  • Dr. Rickey Yada, Land and Food Systems
  • Dr. Dermot Kelleher, Medicine
  • Prof. Ngai Pindell, Peter A. Allard School of Law
  • Dr. Larry Lynd, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pro Tem.
  • Dr. Mark MacLachlan, Science, Pro Tem.

Chief Librarian

  • Dr. Susan Parker, University Librarian

Director of Continuing Education

  • Dr. Simon Bates, Professor of Teaching

Representatives of the Faculty of Applied Science 

  • ​Dr. Agnes d’Entremont, Associate Professor of Teaching
  • Dr. Sathish Gopalakrishnan, Associate Professor

Representatives of the Faculty of Arts

  • Dr. Marina Adshade, Assistant Professor of Teaching
  • Dr. C. W. Marshall, Professor

Representatives of the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration

  • Dr. Adlai Fisher, Professor
  • Dr. Kin Lo, Associate Professor

Representatives of the Faculty of Dentistry

  • Dr. Nancy Ford, Associate Professor
  • Dr. Chris Overall, Professor

Representatives of the Faculty of Education

  • Dr. Shannon Bredin, Associate Professor
  • Dr. Guy Faulkner, Professor

Representatives of the Faculty of Forestry

  • Dr. Julie Cool, Associate Professor
  • Dr. Chunping Dai, Associate Professor

Representatives of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

  • Dr. Steven Pelech, Professor
  • ​Dr. HsingChi von Bergmann, Professor

Representatives of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems

  • Dr. Sue Grayston, Professor
  • Dr. Anubhav Pratap-Singh, Associate Professor

Representatives of the Allard School of Law

  • Dr. Brenna Bhandar, Associate Professor
  • Dr. Benjamin Goold, Professor

Representatives of the Faculty of Medicine

  • Dr. Bruce Forster, Professor
  • Dr. Wendy Norman, Professor

Representatives of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

  • Dr. Fawziah Lalji, Professor
  • Dr. Ingrid Price, Associate Professor of Teaching

Representatives of the Faculty of Science

  • Mrs. Karen Smith, Lecturer
  • Dr. Sean W. Graham, Professor

Representatives of the Joint Faculties

  • Dr. Elisa Baniassad, Professor of Teaching, Faculty of Science
  • Dr. Ben Britton, Associate Professor, Faculty of Applied Science
  • Dr. Peter Englezos, Professor, Faculty of Applied Science
  • Dr. Susan Forwell, Professor, Faculty of Medicine
  • Dr. Joanne Fox, Professor of Teaching, Faculty of Science
  • Dr. André Ivanov, Professor, Faculty of Applied Science
  • Dr. Emily Jenkins, Associate Professor, Faculty of Applied Science
  • Dr. Suzie Lavallee, Professor of Teaching, Faculty of Forestry
  • Dr. Charles Menzies, Professor, Faculty of Arts
  • Dr. Catherine D. Rawn, Professor of Teaching, Faculty of Arts
  • Dr. Santokh Singh, Professor of Teaching, Faculty of Science
  • Dr. Laura Moss, Professor, Faculty of Arts

Representatives of the Convocation

  • Dr. Francis Andrew
  • Dr. Lawrence Burr
  • Kevin Doering
  • Dr. Andrea Dulay
  • Dr. John Gilbert
  • Dr. Paul Harrison
  • Rob Kim
  • Stewart McGillivray
  • Dr. Jenny Phelps
  • Mitchell Prost
  • Dr. Richard Spencer
  • Dr. Austin Uzama

Elected Representative of the Professional Librarians

  • Mr. George Tsiakos, Head, Law Library

Representatives of Affiliated Colleges

  • Rev. Dr. Colin Godwin, Carey Theological College
  • Dr. Jeffrey Greenman, President, Regent College
  • Dr. Gerry Turcotte, St. Mark’s College
  • Rev. Dr. Richard Topping, Principal, Vancouver School of Theology

Student Representatives

(Term from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023 except for Education which is from October 1 to September 30 of each year. One representative elected from each faculty, two from the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, and five members at-large.)

Representative of the Students of the Faculty of Applied Science

  • Drédyn Fontana

Representative of the Students of the Faculty of Arts

  • Jasper Lorien

Representative of the Students of the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration

  • Jacky Xue

Representative of the Students of the Faculty of Dentistry

  • Alex Mitchell

Representative of the Students of the Faculty of Education

  • Giovanna Markman

Representative of the Students of the Faculty of Forestry

  • Xiutong Tony Jiang

Representatives of the Students of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

  • Siddharth Rout
  • Enav Zusman

Representative of the Students of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems

  • Joseph Al Rahmani

Representative of the Students of the Allard School of Law

  • Kai Rogers

Representative of the Students of the Faculty of Medicine

  • William Zhu

Representative of the Students of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

  • David Qi

Representative of the Students of the Faculty of Science

  • Salva Sherif

Representatives of the Students At-Large

  • Kareem Hassib
  • Kamil Kanji
  • Kyle Rogers
  • Taushifa Shaikh
  • Solomon Yi-Kieran

Secretary (Non-Member)

  • Dr. Rella Ng, Associate Vice-President, Enrolment Services and Registrar

Clerk (Non-Member)

  • Mr. Christopher Eaton, Associate Registrar & Director, Senate Office