Vancouver Budget Sub-Committee

The Vancouver Budget Sub-committee generally reviews matters related primarily to the Vancouver campus. In the Okanagan, the membership of the Okanagan Council of Senates Budget Sub-committee coincides with the membership of the Senate Academic Building and Resources Committee. The Budget Sub-committee welcomes questions or comments from the University community regarding upcoming agenda items, or other matters related to its Terms of Reference (below). Please submit any comments or questions that you may have to

Note: Submissions will be treated as confidential and screened for relevance to the Committee’s Terms of Reference. The Sub-committee Chair will have discretion as to whether to present the matter for the consideration of the Sub-committee, and to determine if a direct response to the submitter is appropriate.


The Vancouver Budget Sub-committee has an annual schedule of standing agenda items to be considered each month.


The Council of Senates Budget Committee shall be composed of:

  • Three (3) Councillors, elected by and from the Council of Senates;
  • Nine (9) members of the Okanagan Senate appointed by and from the Okanagan Senate, who must include at least six (6) faculty members and two (2) students; and
  • Nine (9) members of the Vancouver Senate appointed by and from the Vancouver Senate, who must include at least six (6) faculty members and two (2) students.

The Budget Committee shall elect:

  • A chair, from those members of the Committee who are Councillors; and
  • Two (2) vice-chairs – one from those members specified in Section 45 (b) and one from those members specified in Section 45 (c) – who shall be responsible for representing the Budget Committee to their respective Senates.

No member of the Budget Committee shall hold an administrative appointment as a Dean, Principal, Associate Vice-President or Vice-President.

Terms of Reference
  • The Budget Committee shall:
    • Meet with the President and assist in the preparation of the University budget; and
    • Make recommendations to the President and to report to the Okanagan and Vancouver Senates at least annually concerning academic planning and priorities as they relate to the preparation of the University budget.
    • To review the annual budget submission for the Office of Senate and Curriculum Services and make whatever recommendations it sees fit to any office or officer of the University (Senate minutes, 17 May 2023).
  • In advising the President on the University budget, the Budget Committee may request information on any of the University’s fund accounts.
Committee Summary

The Budget Committee is technically a committee of the Council of Senates; however, as financial affairs of either campus are kept largely separate, the Council has created two sub-committees for each campus to meet with the President and/or her deputies and assist in the preparation of the University budget. The Vancouver Sub-Committee has 9 members appointed by and from the Vancouver Senate.

The Sub-Committee generally meets monthly, and in addition to advising on the budget, in the recent past has had meetings regarding capital planning, the tuition allocation model, Campus Vision 2050, the President’s Academic Excellence Initiative, UBC Properties Trust, and the endowment.

Meetings of the Committee are normally in camera given the need to have access to sensitive financial information.


Elected from Senate
Joseph Al Rahmani (Vancouver Senate – Student)
Dr. Amir Ardestani-Jaafari (Okanagan Senate)
Dr. Peter Arthur (Okanagan Senate)
Dr. Julian Cheng (Okanagan Senate)
Dr. Peter Englezos (Vancouver Senate)
Dr. Adlai Fisher (Vancouver Senate)
Dr. Susan Forwell (Vancouver Senate)
Dr. Ben Goold (Vancouver Senate)
Kamil Kanji (Vancouver Senate – Student) (Chair)
Olivia Lai (Okanagan Senate – Student)
Dr. Patricia Lasserre (Okanagan Senate)
Dr. Kin Lo (Vancouver Senate)
Dr. Mark MacLachlan (Vancouver Senate)
Dr. Barb Marcolin (Okanagan Senate)
Dr. Stephen O’Leary (Okanagan Senate)
Dr. Nikhita Obeegadoo (Okanagan Senate)
Toluwanimi Okunola (Okanagan Senate – Student)
Mitchell Prost (Vancouver Senate) (Vice-Chair)
Dr. Samuel Roy-Bois (Okanagan Senate)
Three councillors, elected by and from the Council of Senates, Vacancy (2)

Council of Senates Budget Committee: Vancouver Sub-Committee Meetings

Date Time Location
Wednesday, 20 September 2023 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Zoom
Wednesday, 18 October 2023 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Zoom
Wednesday, 15 November 2023 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Zoom
Wednesday, 13 December 2023  CANCELLED 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Zoom
Wednesday, 17 January 2024 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Zoom
Wednesday, 21 February 2024 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Zoom
Wednesday, 20 March 2024 CANCELLED 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Zoom
Wednesday, 17 April 2024 CANCELLED 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Zoom
Wednesday, 15 May 2024 CANCELLED 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Zoom

Past Meetings

Date Time Location
Wednesday, 21 September 2022 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Zoom
Wednesday, 19 October 2022 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Zoom
Wednesday, 16 November 2022 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Zoom
Wednesday, 14 December 2022 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Zoom
Wednesday, 18 January 2023 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Zoom
Wednesday, 15 February 2023 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Zoom
Wednesday, 15 March 2023 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Zoom
Wednesday, 19 April 2023 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Zoom
Wednesday, 17 May 2023 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm Zoom